- Owner & Founder Semarang Hipnotis
- Owner & Terapis LEPAZZ Room for Hypnotherapy
- Profesional Hipnoterapis
- Profesional Magnetis
- Spesialis Terapi Move On
- Profesional Trainer Gendam Adji Saka
- Young Entrepreneur.
- Certified Hypnotist (CH) from AFIH - Andie Fians Institute of Hypnotism CH00121
- Certified Hypnoterapist (CHt) from AFIH - Andie Fians Institute of Hypnotism CHT00018
- Certified New Magnetism (CNM) from AFIH - Andie Fians Institute of Hypnotism CNM00002
- Certified Instructor (CI) from AFIH - Andie Fians Institute of Hypnotism CI00004
- Certified Level IV (Pengajar) of Gendam Adji Saka
Jl. Jurang Blimbing RT 04 RW 04 B 06 Tembalang, Semarang - Jawa Tengah
Jl. Durian Utara 2 no. 2 Banyumanik , Semarang
Kontak :
0821-3318-8398 Topan Heru
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